
We bring open-banking and data analytics together on one single platform.


What is Banqware?

Banqware is an API-driven platform for open banking solutions, allowing banks and FinTech companies to access a number of European banking APIs. Banqware helps TPPs and banks quickly access open banking ecosystem and analyse banking data, allowing them to create bold and innovative solutions, as well as cross-sell and up-sell their existing product.


APIHub is a comprehensive solution that connects you to a wide range of financial services from different providers, without the hassle and complexity of integrating separate APIs. It gathers offers of multiple banks, insurance companies and brokerage firms and brings it together as data to implement in your app.

APIHub helps

What can APIHub do?

With actionable financial data delivered via API, companies can analyse the customers’ financial behaviour to serve them better.
End customers of our clients can receive personalised product recommendations tailored not only to their preferences but also to financial situation.
Also, companies can enrich the offer with financial services, hints on better finance management and any service they can dream of!

Banqware not only provides financial data, but can also analyse them for the client - providing answers to specific questions, such as “can the customer afford the company
services?”, or “does the customer have a good credit score?” with banking data used as a source similar to BIG or social media.

Read bank data
Analyse financial sources,
initiate transfers
Get answers to your
questions about clients
Aggregate finance
sources into one
customer experience
Analyse transactions
Moving image of a dashboard with converting documents
APIHub - a developer's tool

What are the business benefits?

If your company has TPP status, we offer APIHub as-a-service with pure pay-as-you-go cost model. For client-specific requirements, we can provide APIHub on-premise installation.

If your company doesn’t have TPP status, we offer your customers added value on the basis of account data, also under PSD2. The APIHub makes it possible to provide your service without your own license based on our TPP-as-a-service model. You can focus on the essentials – providing the best service to your customers. Put your resources where they bring you the most value and leave the regulatory compliance to us.

One safe interface to access multiple banks

Easy addition of new data sources

TPP-level access to payment service providers in all EU under one platform

Minimisation of time required to enter the market


Path to API access

This is an overview to show you the steps that need to be taken to
integrate PSD2 API Hub with your services and applications. They are shown in the diagram and explained in detail below. You can work on the Sandbox API without signing an agreement with us.

The contractual path is only required for working with the production API.

Developer Portal Registration

Registration on the Developer Portal is necessary as it gives you access to our documentation and to the sandbox environment. After registering you need to subscribe to the selected product and then, after verification, you will receive credentials necessary to use a sandbox.

Sandbox API Access

After you register, you gain access
to the sandbox API. Our sandbox is
provided to test the integration to
our APIHub and to allow you a
deeper understanding of how the
API works. The sandbox supports a
full, end-to-end experience for
multiple banks and has been fully
tested with our QA team. The
solution is created to be easy to
use, so we hope you will not get

System Integration

With the sandbox, you can
comfortably test connecting to
banking sandboxes, register and test
your call-backs, redirect URLs and
see how the actual financial data is
formatted. We compile different APIs
into one to deliver a seamless and
consistent experience between
different environments. Integration
with our API is an easy process.

Signing the contract

In order to use actual banking data
and our TPP license, we need you to
meet legal requirements. This
involves a signed contract between
you and Banqware in order to
establish a formal relationship that
will allow us to give you access to
production APIs and actual financial
data of your customers.

Production API Access
With a signed contract, we can start the process of connecting you to our production environment.
We will need a few items to finalise this:

1. Certificate generated by the CSR you provide based on our guidelines,
which we will use to verify your identity when connecting to our Production API

2. List of IP addresses that we will add to our whitelist,
and which will have access to our Production API

After the process is finished you can access actual financial data of multiple banks through our API and go live with Open Banking.

First steps in the system

When using APIHub you don't connect to banking AIS APIs directly, nor you connect to them indirectly.
In order to unify the flows provided by multiple banks and multiple standards, we synchronise them "under the hood" then save the data in our internal persistent store.
After the data is updated, you can access general financial data or identity verification data using either our Account Info API or KYC API respectively.
In order to access data you only need to follow a few simple steps described below which depend on Sync API.
These steps are necessary to fill our internal storage with your data.

Related resources are: Management resources, User resources, Consent resources and Update resources


Obtaining authorisation is the first step, however we cannot inform you about the process in the public document. To find out how to authorise our API please visit Security section in the developer portal.


When you receive access to the APIHub, the first action to be taken is to register redirect URLs (mandatory) and call-back URLs (optional). In order to register or update URLs you can use below method.

When creating either consent or update resource later on, you will be able to pass one of the registered URLs. You can also register a list of redirects so that you will be able to use our sandbox and production APIs using different environments and different setups.

User account

All the other endpoints have to be applied to the user account, so we need to create a user first. ClientId is an optional user's identifier. You can use it interchangeably with a UserId given by us. If you want

to create it, follow the below method

Customer's consent

In order to get user's consent to acquire their data you need to:

1. Create an object representing user's consent to access data from a specific bank. The initial status of the consent is then requested.

You have to pass one of the registered redirect URLs to us in order for the user to be redirected after the authentication from the bank website.

2. Then pass the authorization URL to the customer.

3. User uses the URL to authorize access to his or her data.

4. User is redirected to our redirect URL.

5. We receive code which we exchange for a token.

6. We change consent status to given. You can check status:

Now we are ready to make an updated request to ApiHub.

Data update

An update object is an abstraction representing the process of updating user data. In order to initialise an update, you need to be granted customer's consent and use the below endpoint.

You can either provide a call-back URL on which we'll post information about the update status change or you can check the status of the update by calling the endpoint as below.

Data access

After the update status changes to completed, you can access the account information and KYC information using account information resources and KYC resources respectively.

Delete data

When the user's data is no longer needed you can delete both the user's consent and all the data that has been acquired with this consent with the below call.

This is all you need to configure before making it work. If you have any questions contact us at

Connected banks

We support all EU open banking API standards and
we have more than 300 European banks connected.

We are adding new banks every month, tell us what should be next.

Supported API Standards
Connected banks
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